September is usually the start of cosplay season for me - new costumes are started, old ones are re-vamped, and new techniques are tried in the lead up to OzComiCon Brisbane in the middle of September.

This year is a bit different - Although costuming is definitely on my mind, and I have most of what I need for the new costume (a Doctor Who monster - any guesses?), most of my focus is on polishing Ronah and getting it ready to send back to the editor in time for the November launch! Mind you, come mid September, it'll be keyboards down and sewing needles up!

At the start of this month, I had the pleasure of attending Lynette Noni's launch for We Three Heroes, the latest in the Medoran Chronicles series. As always, Lynette was lovely, and took the time to talk to everyone in the massive crowd. If you want to pick up a copy of We Three Heroes, check out the link.
It's great to be able to read and digest each story, no matter how much you want to go onto the next one. Dix, Jordan and Bear have some interesting tales to tell, and set up Vardaesia nicely.
Fav article of the month:
If you're a new author, and I've been speaking to a few of you lately, check out by Katherine Locke. She talks about ways to realistically grow your audience as a newer author.
The next blog post will talk more about Ronah and the launch of The Evil Inside Us, which is coming up in October!
Until then,happy reading!